7 do’s and don’ts to responsibly enjoy the outdoors

Nature is all of our shared heritage. That means that the outdoors are for everyone to enjoy. However, it also means that we need to be responsible in how we do so. Unfortunately, all nature enthusiasts, including myself, have witnessed cases where people enjoy nature in ways that are destructive. With increasing numbers of people using natural areas, especially since …


What are ferns? Fern facts & Basic Info

Just like mosses, ferns are another widespread part of the wall of green people encounter in the outdoors. They’re found all over the world, but often blend into the background and fall beneath our notice. Ferns don’t grow like wildflowers and trees, and have some cool traits that set them apart from other vegetation. For this Wildlife Spotlight, I’d like …


How do birds navigate during migration?

Bird migration is one of the most impressive wonders of the natural world. Every Fall, birds in the Northern hemisphere fly South to spend the Winter in warmer climates. This can mean fantastic journeys of thousands of miles including trips across oceans! If you’ve read my post on why birds fly South for Winter, then you’re probably aware that there …

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Do cicadas have mouths?

As late summer approaches across much of the globe, cicadas emerge from the ground to breed. These large, loud insects are fascinating for backyard wildlife enjoyers. However, they spend most of their time living high up in trees, so it’s much easier to hear them than see them. Encountering a cicada in the wild can be exciting, because they are …


What is molting?

In many previous posts, I’ve mentioned animals that molt. Birds do it, insects and arachnids do it, not to mention many marine animals. Heck, even people do it! But what exactly is molting (or as the British spell it, moulting)? What does it mean for an animal to molt? By now, I have received those questions in one form or …

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11 stunning examples of animal camouflage

On a recent hike in South Georgia, I watched a gorgeous brown butterfly take off from a tree, fly along in front of me, and then disappear. I looked, then looked again, and couldn’t find where it had gone. It looked as though it had evaporated as it passed by a nearby oak. I crept close to investigate, and eventually …


Butterfly bush: Is it actually good for butterflies?

Every year, more and more homeowners are trying to garden for wildlife. After all, it’s really pleasant to have certain kinds of wildlife in your yard. From hummingbirds and songbirds to bees and other beneficial garden bugs, nature can bring wonderful company to your outdoor spaces. One popular garden plant for bringing in butterflies is butterfly bush. After all, it’s …

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What are mosses?

Some of the most special things in nature are the ones that we overlook most often. It’s easy to take some forms of wildlife for granted, especially the ones that are small, or ever-present. Mosses certainly fall under this category. Amidst the flashy green of other plants, it’s easy to lose sight of these widespread but understated features. But what …