Hummingbirds are among the most requested topics from readers, with questions like how do I make my own hummingbird nectar? and How do I attract hummingbirds to my yard?. All of that interest is no surprise! These fiery, energetic, and often colorful birds are always an exciting sight during outdoor excursions, and its about time they got more love from …

Posts labeled Birds cover everything pertaining to the feathered, flying, chirping world of birds, from the fun of casual birdwatching to the science of Ornithology.
What is nest parasitism?
All living things need to accomplish two things to keep the natural world running: (1) they need to survive, and (2) they need to reproduce. There are lots of amazing and bizarre examples of adaptations to solve the first problem. For example, camouflage and aposematic coloration help some animals stay hidden or advertise powerful defenses. However, wildlife also address the …
13 wild owl facts
While I get frequent requests for bird posts, one group of birds has recently been the top. Owls are a fascinating and in some ways mysterious group of raptors that has captured peoples’ cultural imagination for millennia. It’s about time we covered these neat animals on Gulo in Nature! So in this Wildlife Spotlight post, let’s learn some fascinating owl …
9 facts about cardinals
Often a symbol of winter cheer, cardinals have become famous for their brilliant, bright-red plumage and showy bills. These birds are a common sight in backyards of Eastern North America and are often a welcome visitor at birdfeeders. If you’ve got cardinals in your own neighborhood, or simply want to know more about them, then you’re in luck. In this …
If you touch a baby bird, will its mother reject it?
Every spring I hear from readers about finding baby birds outside. Finding an unexpected and seemingly helpless baby bird in your backyard or a nearby park can be worrisome. After all, the little things typically can’t fly yet and look very vulnerable. Sometimes you might find such a bird in a place that is dangerous. There might be cats around, …
What do baby crows look like?
Pictures of a “baby crow” have been all over Pinterest and Reddit for a couple of years now, winning hearts with their poofy goth aesthetic. Notably not a single nature account is involved in all the sharing. Meanwhile, some experts have specifically highlighted that something’s wrong here. You guessed it: this isn’t what a baby crows look like at all. …
What’s the difference between hawks and eagles?
The difference between hawks and eagles comes up often when I take people birding. Dazzled by some large bird of prey, we’ll admire it through our binoculars for a while. Sooner or later, someone asks, “”well, is that a hawk or an eagle?” or, when I answer, they ask “well how did you know that?” As you’ll see, it’s not …
How do birds navigate during migration?
Bird migration is one of the most impressive wonders of the natural world. Every Fall, birds in the Northern hemisphere fly South to spend the Winter in warmer climates. This can mean fantastic journeys of thousands of miles including trips across oceans! If you’ve read my post on why birds fly South for Winter, then you’re probably aware that there …