What’s the difference between frogs vs. toads?

Frogs and toads are exciting animals to come across in the wild. Although widespread, they can be hard to find, but are cute and entertaining for nature lovers of all ages. I love coming across these critters on nature walks for the many fascinating natural history stories they bring to mind. When we get so lucky, the first words out …

13 wild facts about wolverines

Some animals have a reputation that precedes them. Wolverines are absolutely one of those. Because of their small numbers and reclusive nature, very few people have been lucky enough to see one. Beyond that, stories about their “bad attitudes” and incredible feats have captured peoples’ imaginations. Of course, I’m no exception—the Gulo in Nature blog is named after them! In …

9 facts about cardinals

Often a symbol of winter cheer, cardinals have become famous for their brilliant, bright-red plumage and showy bills. These birds are a common sight in backyards of Eastern North America and are often a welcome visitor at birdfeeders. If you’ve got cardinals in your own neighborhood, or simply want to know more about them, then you’re in luck. In this …

The 15 weirdest animals in Australia

Earth is home to some bizarre creatures, there’s no question about that. But did you know that Australia has some of the weirdest? Australia broke off from other continents nearly 100 million years ago, and during that long isolation some truly strange animals showed up on the scene. In fact, nearly 70% of Australia’s mammals and more than 90% of …

If you touch a baby bird, will its mother reject it?

Every spring I hear from readers about finding baby birds outside. Finding an unexpected and seemingly helpless baby bird in your backyard or a nearby park can be worrisome. After all, the little things typically can’t fly yet and look very vulnerable. Sometimes you might find such a bird in a place that is dangerous. There might be cats around, …

Is 2024 a cicada year?

You may have heard rumors that 2024 will be a big year for the cicada. News outlets and magazines are putting out panicked headlines about an “insect apocalypse”. As if we didn’t have enough to worry about in 2024! In this Biologist Ruins Everything post, let’s get to the bottom of these claims and learn about the cicadas in question. …

What’s the difference between horns vs. antlers?

Large mammals are some of the most exciting wildlife to watch in nature. Not only are they often somewhat shy and elusive, but they often display some fantastic adaptations. Whether you’re out for a stroll a neighborhood park in England, or India or on safari in the tropics, big furry beasts are super exciting. Among the most impressive characteristics of …

Whirligig beetles: Nature’s bumper cars

Freshwater environments like rivers, streams, lakes, and wetlands are filled with fascinating nature. Teeming with life, they are great natural settings for outdoor activities and among the best for doing sit-spots. If you pause by a body of water in late Summer or Fall, you may be treated to the antics of our latest Wildlife Spotlight: whirligig beetles. Beetles are …