What is ecological disturbance?

Ecologists and naturalists describing ecosystems and other natural places often bring up the concept of ecological disturbance. Whether you’re taking a science course or looking to better understand the outdoors, it’s a central concept. In fact, it helps explore a lot of the patterns that we notice in nature. Let’s step (gently!) into the science in this Deep Stuff post: …

What is forest bathing?

One of my favorite things about spending time in nature is that there are so many ways to do so. From backpacking to birdwatching to reading a book under a tree, the natural world is unequal for healthy, relaxing recreation. Mindfulness practices in nature are becoming increasingly popular for their many health benefits, especially since the COVID pandemic. As more …

Tropical rainforests: What makes them special?

 Tropical rainforests capture people’s imagination as exotic, mysterious natural places. They conjure up images of hanging vines, colorful birds, big cats, huge flowers, and areas vibrant with life. But what makes a tropical rainforest? And why are they, and the wildlife they support, so different? In this Deep Stuff post, I’ll share what I’ve learned in my time living and …

How does climate change affect wildlife?

Experts consider climate change to be one of the biggest threats to the environment. But understanding the links between a changing climate and things like species extinctions can be difficult. How can changing weather patterns have such big impacts on the natural world that we know and love? After all, what’s wrong with things getting a little warmer? After all, …

7 ways that being outside boosts brain power

So far, my post series on Nature and Health covered ways that nature makes us healthier. It can protect our bodies from disease and improve out mental health. However, immersion in nature does more than just prevent problems. It can also help us be at our very best. There is an amazing amount of research on how being outside boosts …

9 reasons why kids should spend time in nature

A parent’s number-one concern is the health, safety, and well-being of their children. At a time when children are better at identifying pokemon than real animals, some wonder if kids are getting enough time outside. In the U.S., the average child spends about 4-7 minutes outdoors per day outdoors, compared to 7 or more hours in front of a screen. …

What is Batesian mimicry?

Nature is filled with mind-blowing adaptations. From plants and animals to fungi and microbes, living things display an incredible variety of characteristics that help them get by. Many of these seem absolutely ingenious. In this Deep Stuff post, let’s learn about one particularly cool example: Batesian mimicry. Seeing is deceiving One common theme in nature is that often, not everything …

Why do we need wetlands?

While natural spaces like forests, meadows, and coral reefs popular destinations for outdoor adventures, other habitats get a bad rap. For example, wetlands are better known as stinky, mosquito-infested wastelands. From folklore to movies and video games, people view wetlands as sinister, unpleasant, and even dangerous. However, many laws and conservation organizations now protect them. Why is that? Why do …