Venomous vs. poisonous: What’s the difference?

One of the first questions I get from people asking for help with species identification is, “is it poisonous?”. I frequently get pictures of bugs that turn up in people’s houses or snakes spotted in gardens from people with just that concern. If you’ve done any reading up on animals and plants that might pose a danger to you or …

What are mangroves?

Mangroves are some of the world’s most famous plants. Among their many claims to fame, they are uniquely capable of growing in salt water, and are credited with saving thousands of human lives every year. In this Wildlife Spotlight post, let’s get to know these amazing plants and what makes them so fascinating. One name, many species The name “mangrove” …

What is ecological disturbance?

Ecologists and naturalists describing ecosystems and other natural places often bring up the concept of ecological disturbance. Whether you’re taking a science course or looking to better understand the outdoors, it’s a central concept. In fact, it helps explore a lot of the patterns that we notice in nature. Let’s step (gently!) into the science in this Deep Stuff post: …