What’s the difference between frogs vs. toads?

Frogs and toads are exciting animals to come across in the wild. Although widespread, they can be hard to find, but are cute and entertaining for nature lovers of all ages. I love coming across these critters on nature walks for the many fascinating natural history stories they bring to mind. When we get so lucky, the first words out …


Are joro spiders invasive?

Headlines about giant, flying spiders spreading across North America have become a trend over the last few summers. If you’ve come across these startling stories, you may have already heard about Joro spiders. These new arrivals to North America are causing quite a stir among nature enthusiasts and arachnophobes throughout the U.S. But are these giant spiders actually a problem? …


13 wild facts about wolverines

Some animals have a reputation that precedes them. Wolverines are absolutely one of those. Because of their small numbers and reclusive nature, very few people have been lucky enough to see one. Beyond that, stories about their “bad attitudes” and incredible feats have captured peoples’ imaginations. Of course, I’m no exception—the Gulo in Nature blog is named after them! In …


8 tips for connecting kids with nature

Given the many ways being in nature benefits children, connecting kids with nature is crucial. Research increasingly shows how being outside boosts kids’ mental and emotional well-being while enriching their development. Meanwhile, we are increasingly aware of how younger generations are spending less and less time outdoors. In this Outdoor Tips post, let’s review some strategies for helping kids get …


9 facts about cardinals

Often a symbol of winter cheer, cardinals have become famous for their brilliant, bright-red plumage and showy bills. These birds are a common sight in backyards of Eastern North America and are often a welcome visitor at birdfeeders. If you’ve got cardinals in your own neighborhood, or simply want to know more about them, then you’re in luck. In this …


The 15 weirdest animals in Australia

Earth is home to some bizarre creatures, there’s no question about that. But did you know that Australia has some of the weirdest? Australia broke off from other continents nearly 100 million years ago, and during that long isolation some truly strange animals showed up on the scene. In fact, nearly 70% of Australia’s mammals and more than 90% of …


Venomous vs. poisonous: What’s the difference?

One of the first questions I get from people asking for help with species identification is, “is it poisonous?”. I frequently get pictures of bugs that turn up in people’s houses or snakes spotted in gardens from people with just that concern. If you’ve done any reading up on animals and plants that might pose a danger to you or …


What are mangroves?

Mangroves are some of the world’s most famous plants. Among their many claims to fame, they are uniquely capable of growing in salt water, and are credited with saving thousands of human lives every year. In this Wildlife Spotlight post, let’s get to know these amazing plants and what makes them so fascinating. One name, many species The name “mangrove” …