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Posts labeled Birds cover everything pertaining to the feathered, flying, chirping world of birds, from the fun of casual birdwatching to the science of Ornithology.

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What to do if you find a bird nest at your house

While you can enjoy backyard birds year round, the warmer seasons give a more intimate window into their lives. For resident and migratory songbirds, Spring and Summer are the peak times for breeding. This can mean birds nesting around your home, garden, or backyard. For some people, a bird nest at home is an exciting opportunity to learn about how …


Why do birds fly South in the Winter?

Nature is filled with seasonal changes. Every year, predictable events happen like the first wildflowers blooming that signal particular seasons. One of the most familiar for many people is the arrival of many new backyard birds in Spring. On the other hand, those same birds depart in the Fall as trees begin to lose their leaves. For example, geese flying …


How to attract songbirds to your backyard

Birds bring joy and color to any environment. This is especially true in our gardens and backyards, where they make for entertaining wildlife-viewing. Backyard birds make excellent neighbors. They can feed on pest insects, help us relax with their songs, and provide great practice for birdwatching. Having them around is great, but how do you attract songbirds to your backyard …


The 12 most common bird calls in movies and TV

Wildlife sounds like birdsong are common background sounds in our everyday lives. In fact, they make such a good ambience for natural spaces that they are often used to simulate the outdoors. This is especially true in movies and on TV, where bird calls help set the tone for outdoor scenes. Have you ever heard a birdcall in a film …


12 common backyard birds in the Eastern US

Birds are many peoples’ first gateway to connecting with nature. We see them just about everywhere. Their songs make Spring and Summer days more cheerful, and they make entertaining backyard wildlife. Of course, knowing a thing or two about the birds in your neighborhood is a great way to enjoy them when you see them. Furthermore, you’re trying to attract …


Why do woodpeckers drum on my house?

Every spring, I start hearing from people with a very peculiar problem. As the days start to get warmer and longer, some households get a new—and unwelcome—alarm clock. Every morning, they hear a sharp, drumming rattle on the walls, roof, or gutter of the house. It can be loud enough to echo throughout the living space! Perhaps you can guess …


Is it ok to feed wild ducks?

It’s a gorgeous summer day, and you’ve got some stale bread to get rid of. Why not bring the kids to the park and feed the ducks? After all, what better way to get some nice time outside and get rid of some trash while you’re at it! However, you may recall hearing from one of your nature-nerd friends that …


What bird has the largest wingspan?

Birds are some of the greatest fliers in the animal world. Their wings are wonderfully engineered for airborne movement. Being small also helps with flight, and most birds aren’t very big. However, there are some exceptions to the rule, some absolute units. But what bird has the largest wingspan? And how can they make that work? Let’s find out in …