Bees are a common sight around homes and gardens, in meadow habitats, and just about anywhere with abundant flowers. Yet if you read the news, or notice any number of bumper stickers proclaiming that we should “save the bees”, you might get the sense that there may be trouble in the bee world. Farmers, scientists, and conservation organizations have shown …
What is nest parasitism?
All living things need to accomplish two things to keep the natural world running: (1) they need to survive, and (2) they need to reproduce. There are lots of amazing and bizarre examples of adaptations to solve the first problem. For example, camouflage and aposematic coloration help some animals stay hidden or advertise powerful defenses. However, wildlife also address the …
What is a life cycle?
Getting to know your natural world can be like learning a new language. Nature experts like scientists and naturalists use all sorts of words that may not be familiar to readers. Learning some of these words can go a long way in building useful outdoor knowledge. One particularly useful term is “life cycle”. In this Deep Stuff post, let’s learn …
What is ecological disturbance?
Ecologists and naturalists describing ecosystems and other natural places often bring up the concept of ecological disturbance. Whether you’re taking a science course or looking to better understand the outdoors, it’s a central concept. In fact, it helps explore a lot of the patterns that we notice in nature. Let’s step (gently!) into the science in this Deep Stuff post: …
What is forest bathing?
One of my favorite things about spending time in nature is that there are so many ways to do so. From backpacking to birdwatching to reading a book under a tree, the natural world is unequal for healthy, relaxing recreation. Mindfulness practices in nature are becoming increasingly popular for their many health benefits, especially since the COVID pandemic. As more …
Tropical rainforests: What makes them special?
Tropical rainforests capture people’s imagination as exotic, mysterious natural places. They conjure up images of hanging vines, colorful birds, big cats, huge flowers, and areas vibrant with life. But what makes a tropical rainforest? And why are they, and the wildlife they support, so different? In this Deep Stuff post, I’ll share what I’ve learned in my time living and …
How does climate change affect wildlife?
Experts consider climate change to be one of the biggest threats to the environment. But understanding the links between a changing climate and things like species extinctions can be difficult. How can changing weather patterns have such big impacts on the natural world that we know and love? After all, what’s wrong with things getting a little warmer? After all, …
7 ways that being outside boosts brain power
So far, my post series on Nature and Health covered ways that nature makes us healthier. It can protect our bodies from disease and improve out mental health. However, immersion in nature does more than just prevent problems. It can also help us be at our very best. There is an amazing amount of research on how being outside boosts …