Naturalist Answers addresses your everyday questions about the natural world. Ever wondered why trees lose their leaves, how birds learn to fly, or how bugs survive the winter? Look no further!


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Do cicadas have mouths?

As late summer approaches across much of the globe, cicadas emerge from the ground to breed. These large, loud insects are fascinating for backyard wildlife enjoyers. However, they spend most of their time living high up in trees, so it’s much easier to hear them than see them. Encountering a cicada in the wild can be exciting, because they are …

What is molting?

In many previous posts, I’ve mentioned animals that molt. Birds do it, insects and arachnids do it, not to mention many marine animals. Heck, even people do it! But what exactly is molting (or as the British spell it, moulting)? What does it mean for an animal to molt? By now, I have received those questions in one form or …

Butterfly bush: Is it actually good for butterflies?

Every year, more and more homeowners are trying to garden for wildlife. After all, it’s really pleasant to have certain kinds of wildlife in your yard. From hummingbirds and songbirds to bees and other beneficial garden bugs, nature can bring wonderful company to your outdoor spaces. One popular garden plant for bringing in butterflies is butterfly bush. After all, it’s …

What’s the difference between millipedes and centipedes?

When people send me photos of creepy crawlies for identification, I often see some usual suspects. Among the most common invertebrates that people encounter in gardens and households are millipedes and centipedes. After I have explained that they have one or the other, folks are quick to ask how I knew the difference. Could I really have counted all those …

Why do birds fly South in the Winter?

Nature is filled with seasonal changes. Every year, predictable events happen like the first wildflowers blooming that signal particular seasons. One of the most familiar for many people is the arrival of many new backyard birds in Spring. On the other hand, those same birds depart in the Fall as trees begin to lose their leaves. For example, geese flying …

8 insect orders every nature lover should know

Bugs are everywhere in the natural world, and their variety can be overwhelming for beginner naturalists. However, learning a few basics can go a long way in making sense of them. What’s more, becoming familiar with insects unlocks a whole world of nature connection and learning. This applies for kids and adults, alike! This post will introduce you to eight …

12 common backyard birds in the Eastern US

Birds are many peoples’ first gateway to connecting with nature. We see them just about everywhere. Their songs make Spring and Summer days more cheerful, and they make entertaining backyard wildlife. Of course, knowing a thing or two about the birds in your neighborhood is a great way to enjoy them when you see them. Furthermore, you’re trying to attract …

Why do woodpeckers drum on my house?

Every spring, I start hearing from people with a very peculiar problem. As the days start to get warmer and longer, some households get a new—and unwelcome—alarm clock. Every morning, they hear a sharp, drumming rattle on the walls, roof, or gutter of the house. It can be loud enough to echo throughout the living space! Perhaps you can guess …