6 incredible carnivorous plants

Nature is filled with “exceptions to the rule”. Whenever we think we know something about the natural world, we are confronted with oddballs that break the mold. Carnivorous plants do precisely that. Although you may be familiar with the Venus fly-trap made famous by the musical Little Shop of Horrors, there are plenty of other examples of insect-munching plants around …


What are mangroves?

Mangroves are some of the world’s most famous plants. Among their many claims to fame, they are uniquely capable of growing in salt water, and are credited with saving thousands of human lives every year. In this Wildlife Spotlight post, let’s get to know these amazing plants and what makes them so fascinating. One name, many species The name “mangrove” …


9 plants that stay green in winter

A dash of color can go a long way among the browns and grays of a long winter. With many trees losing their leaves, many of us are desperate for the vibrant green of Spring by the time it rolls around. Fortunately, if you know where to look, it can be relatively easy to find plants that are evergreen. This …

Stinging Tree

Stinging tree: The Australian plant that will absolutely mess you up

Australia is notoriously home to some of our planet’s weirdest and most dangerous wildlife. From highly venomous snakes to massive crocodiles, the continent has some fearsome animals. However, people rarely pause to consider that danger doesn’t have to come from the animal kingdom. On my recent trip down under, I was lucky enough to meet (at a distance!) the topic …


What are ferns? Fern facts & Basic Info

Just like mosses, ferns are another widespread part of the wall of green people encounter in the outdoors. They’re found all over the world, but often blend into the background and fall beneath our notice. Ferns don’t grow like wildflowers and trees, and have some cool traits that set them apart from other vegetation. For this Wildlife Spotlight, I’d like …


Butterfly bush: Is it actually good for butterflies?

Every year, more and more homeowners are trying to garden for wildlife. After all, it’s really pleasant to have certain kinds of wildlife in your yard. From hummingbirds and songbirds to bees and other beneficial garden bugs, nature can bring wonderful company to your outdoor spaces. One popular garden plant for bringing in butterflies is butterfly bush. After all, it’s …

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What are mosses?

Some of the most special things in nature are the ones that we overlook most often. It’s easy to take some forms of wildlife for granted, especially the ones that are small, or ever-present. Mosses certainly fall under this category. Amidst the flashy green of other plants, it’s easy to lose sight of these widespread but understated features. But what …

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What are spring ephemerals?

Spring is a gorgeous time in the outdoors, and it can really keep us nature-lovers busy! However, it’s a vanishingly short time. It seems like we’ve just removed our winter jackets when suddenly summer heat calls for sunscreen. Among the many signs of spring, spring ephemerals are one of the most beautiful and fleeting. Just like Spring itself, these special …