Do ticks die off in winter?

One of the best things about outside time in Winter is not having to worry about bugs that bite. After all, pesky critters like mosquitoes and horseflies are out of the equation. But can we say the same about ticks? As I found out the hard way, the common belief that ticks die off in winter is a misconception. In …


Are robins really a sign of spring?

After a long, cold winter, many of us are eager for any sign that Spring is on its way. By late Winter, people will start lookin for the first robin of Spring, that harbinger of blooming flowers and sunshine As the belief goes, robins are gone in the harsher months and come back only when the weather is getting nice …


5 mind-blowing bugs that are active in winter

For those who don’t like bugs, winter is a great time to spend time outdoors. The usual biting insects are gone, and even ticks are less active. While insects have many clever ways of surviving winter, there are nonetheless a small number that stay active. These mind-blowing winter bugs are a real source of excitement for nature nerds like me, …


Why do worms come out when it rains?

Have you ever gone out after a rain and found worms all over your lawn, or along the sidewalk? While worms are usually hard at work in our yards and gardens every day, we hardly tend to see them. When the weather gets a little wet, suddenly, we’re liable to find them littering the sidewalk or trucking along the ground. …


Why is it bad when species go extinct?

Endangered species—those at risk of going extinct—often tend to get a lot of press and attention. Aside from climate change, they are among the best known environmental issues. Groups like the IUCN spend huge amounts of time and money trying to protect species that might go extinct. Likewise, people like me spend their entire careers studying how to prevent extinctions. …


Why do trees produce sap?

Almost anybody who has spent time around trees has seen or dealt with sap. For homeowners and gardeners, dealing with trees and their sap can be a regular chore. Sometimes it’s runny and watery, while other times it can be a sticky mess. But why do trees produce sap in the first place? What is it’s purpose? In this Naturalist …


Seed Dispersal: How Plants Get Around

Plants are so widespread in natural places that it’s easy to overlook them. Almost everywhere you go at certain times of year, the plants form a wall of green. But how do plants find their habitats in the first place? After all, they can’t move around on their own like animals. In this Deep Stuff blog post, let’s explore seed …

Why you should start birdwatching (1)

8 reasons why you should start birdwatching

If you’re an outdoor adventurer or nature lover, finding new ways to connect with nature can add a new dimension to your experiences. Birdwatching is an increasingly popular pastime among young people around the world. In this post, I’ll give you eight reasons why you should start birdwatching, from health benefits to better travel. Let’s dig in with this Birdwatching …