Bees are a common sight around homes and gardens, in meadow habitats, and just about anywhere with abundant flowers. Yet if you read the news, or notice any number of bumper stickers proclaiming that we should “save the bees”, you might get the sense that there may be trouble in the bee world. Farmers, scientists, and conservation organizations have shown …
Christmas beetles: Facts and basic info
While December is often a time of chilly temperatures and dormant nature in the Northern hemisphere, it can be the heat of summer down under. In Australia, the years-end holidays are a much more exciting time for naturalists, with insects and migratory birds on the scene. While insects in Europe, Asia, and North America are hidden away from the cold, …
What are mushrooms? Fungi facts & basic info
Nature lovers or not, people everywhere can point out a mushroom when they see them. Whether they’re on the forest floor or on a pizza, these distinctive structures are easy to recognize. Folks on my nature walks are quick to call them out as we come across them, but have a lot of questions once we get to chatting. Although …
12 wild facts about hummingbirds
Hummingbirds are among the most requested topics from readers, with questions like how do I make my own hummingbird nectar? and How do I attract hummingbirds to my yard?. All of that interest is no surprise! These fiery, energetic, and often colorful birds are always an exciting sight during outdoor excursions, and its about time they got more love from …
Book Review: What Walks This Way by Sharman Apt Russell
Wildlife tracking is one of the most elusive naturalist skills to learn. Although our oldest ancestors relied on tracking skills to survive, many modern folks have a hard time with it. Unlike birdwatching, where a simple pair of binoculars (and sometimes not even that!) is enough to enjoy dozens of species in an afternoon walk, finding tracks can be a …
What is nest parasitism?
All living things need to accomplish two things to keep the natural world running: (1) they need to survive, and (2) they need to reproduce. There are lots of amazing and bizarre examples of adaptations to solve the first problem. For example, camouflage and aposematic coloration help some animals stay hidden or advertise powerful defenses. However, wildlife also address the …
What is a life cycle?
Getting to know your natural world can be like learning a new language. Nature experts like scientists and naturalists use all sorts of words that may not be familiar to readers. Learning some of these words can go a long way in building useful outdoor knowledge. One particularly useful term is “life cycle”. In this Deep Stuff post, let’s learn …
An 8-step guide on how to identify bugs in your house or yard
Invertebrates like spiders, insects, centipedes, and worms are some of the most abundant and diverse living things on Earth. While many people might find them hard to love, these “creepy-crawlies” help keep our planets ecosystems ticking, making life possible for all of us. Whether you appreciate that or not, running into invertebrates—let’s just call them bugs—is a common way that …