6 important pollinators other than bees 

When you hear the word pollinator, often the first image that comes to mind is a bee. With good reason, too: bees are common pollinators in many natural habitats and are easy to recognize. However, they don’t deserve all the credit. There are plenty of other neat animals out there putting in the work and getting far less attention for …

Do sharks really die if they stop swimming?

I have a tendency to a be a bit of a busybody. While my preferred comparison for all that running around has always been the ever-mobile wolverine (the namesake for Gulo in Nature!) another animal is a frequent comparison. People often use sharks as an example of an animal that always has to keep moving. Supposedly, if a shark stops …

What do baby crows look like?

Pictures of a “baby crow” have been all over Pinterest and Reddit for a couple of years now, winning hearts with their poofy goth aesthetic. Notably not a single nature account is involved in all the sharing. Meanwhile, some experts have specifically highlighted that something’s wrong here. You guessed it: this isn’t what a baby crows look like at all. …

What is molting?

In many previous posts, I’ve mentioned animals that molt. Birds do it, insects and arachnids do it, not to mention many marine animals. Heck, even people do it! But what exactly is molting (or as the British spell it, moulting)? What does it mean for an animal to molt? By now, I have received those questions in one form or …

11 stunning examples of animal camouflage

On a recent hike in South Georgia, I watched a gorgeous brown butterfly take off from a tree, fly along in front of me, and then disappear. I looked, then looked again, and couldn’t find where it had gone. It looked as though it had evaporated as it passed by a nearby oak. I crept close to investigate, and eventually …

What to do if you find a bird nest at your house

While you can enjoy backyard birds year round, the warmer seasons give a more intimate window into their lives. For resident and migratory songbirds, Spring and Summer are the peak times for breeding. This can mean birds nesting around your home, garden, or backyard. For some people, a bird nest at home is an exciting opportunity to learn about how …

17 amazing nature facts about bats

One of my favorite things about summer nights is spotting bats against the evening sky. Although people often give them a bad rap, bats are helpful and important parts of the natural world. They also make up a large and diverse group of animals that live a variety of lifestyles. Let’s get to know these incredible animals, and check out …

Why do birds fly South in the Winter?

Nature is filled with seasonal changes. Every year, predictable events happen like the first wildflowers blooming that signal particular seasons. One of the most familiar for many people is the arrival of many new backyard birds in Spring. On the other hand, those same birds depart in the Fall as trees begin to lose their leaves. For example, geese flying …