Nature is filled with seasonal changes. Every year, predictable events happen like the first wildflowers blooming that signal particular seasons. One of the most familiar for many people is the arrival of many new backyard birds in Spring. On the other hand, those same birds depart in the Fall as trees begin to lose their leaves. For example, geese flying …
Do lobsters really mate for life?
Has anyone ever told you that you’re their lobster? After an episode from the second season of the famous sitcom Friends, lobsters have been an unexpected symbol of true love. In episode 14, Phoebe tells Ross that his love for Rachel is like that shared by lobsters for their lifelong mates. “It’s a known fact that lobsters fall in love …
The 12 most common bird calls in movies and TV
Wildlife sounds like birdsong are common background sounds in our everyday lives. In fact, they make such a good ambience for natural spaces that they are often used to simulate the outdoors. This is especially true in movies and on TV, where bird calls help set the tone for outdoor scenes. Have you ever heard a birdcall in a film …
How to set up a bat house in your yard
Do you live in an area with some trees, an occasional park or open area, and a nearby water habitat? If so, then you probably have a crew of hard-working pest control agents working hard for you every night. That’s right! You may not see or hear them, but bats are working through the nighttime hours gobbling up mosquitoes and …
17 amazing facts about Dragonflies
Dragonflies are among the most entertaining insects to watch. They are large, easy to find near wetlands, and they move quickly as they hunt for good. Furthermore, they are incredible mosquito control and we owe them for their service! But did you know that there’s a lot more to these fascinating bugs than meets the eye? Check out these amazing …
12 common backyard birds in the Eastern US
Birds are many peoples’ first gateway to connecting with nature. We see them just about everywhere. Their songs make Spring and Summer days more cheerful, and they make entertaining backyard wildlife. Of course, knowing a thing or two about the birds in your neighborhood is a great way to enjoy them when you see them. Furthermore, you’re trying to attract …
Why do woodpeckers drum on my house?
Every spring, I start hearing from people with a very peculiar problem. As the days start to get warmer and longer, some households get a new—and unwelcome—alarm clock. Every morning, they hear a sharp, drumming rattle on the walls, roof, or gutter of the house. It can be loud enough to echo throughout the living space! Perhaps you can guess …
What is Batesian mimicry?
Nature is filled with mind-blowing adaptations. From plants and animals to fungi and microbes, living things display an incredible variety of characteristics that help them get by. Many of these seem absolutely ingenious. In this Deep Stuff post, let’s learn about one particularly cool example: Batesian mimicry. Seeing is deceiving One common theme in nature is that often, not everything …