7 do’s and don’ts to responsibly enjoy the outdoors

Nature is all of our shared heritage. That means that the outdoors are for everyone to enjoy. However, it also means that we need to be responsible in how we do so. Unfortunately, all nature enthusiasts, including myself, have witnessed cases where people enjoy nature in ways that are destructive. With increasing numbers of people using natural areas, especially since …


Butterfly bush: Is it actually good for butterflies?

Every year, more and more homeowners are trying to garden for wildlife. After all, it’s really pleasant to have certain kinds of wildlife in your yard. From hummingbirds and songbirds to bees and other beneficial garden bugs, nature can bring wonderful company to your outdoor spaces. One popular garden plant for bringing in butterflies is butterfly bush. After all, it’s …

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What to do if you find a bird nest at your house

While you can enjoy backyard birds year round, the warmer seasons give a more intimate window into their lives. For resident and migratory songbirds, Spring and Summer are the peak times for breeding. This can mean birds nesting around your home, garden, or backyard. For some people, a bird nest at home is an exciting opportunity to learn about how …


12 tips on how to do a sit spot

One of the best lessons that time in nature can teach us is that life can’t always be “go, go, go”. In fact, often times slowing down is crucially important to connecting with the outdoors. Sit-spots are a popular and highly effective practice for engaging with the local flora and fauna of an area. Furthermore, they are an excellent way …

Common insects insta

8 insect orders every nature lover should know

Bugs are everywhere in the natural world, and their variety can be overwhelming for beginner naturalists. However, learning a few basics can go a long way in making sense of them. What’s more, becoming familiar with insects unlocks a whole world of nature connection and learning. This applies for kids and adults, alike! This post will introduce you to eight …


How to attract songbirds to your backyard

Birds bring joy and color to any environment. This is especially true in our gardens and backyards, where they make for entertaining wildlife-viewing. Backyard birds make excellent neighbors. They can feed on pest insects, help us relax with their songs, and provide great practice for birdwatching. Having them around is great, but how do you attract songbirds to your backyard …


How to set up a bat house in your yard

Do you live in an area with some trees, an occasional park or open area, and a nearby water habitat? If so, then you probably have a crew of hard-working pest control agents working hard for you every night. That’s right! You may not see or hear them, but bats are working through the nighttime hours gobbling up mosquitoes and …


9 reasons why kids should spend time in nature

A parent’s number-one concern is the health, safety, and well-being of their children. At a time when children are better at identifying pokemon than real animals, some wonder if kids are getting enough time outside. In the U.S., the average child spends about 4-7 minutes outdoors per day outdoors, compared to 7 or more hours in front of a screen. …