8 reasons why you should start birdwatching

If you’re an outdoor adventurer or nature lover, finding new ways to connect with nature can add a new dimension to your experiences. Birdwatching is an increasingly popular pastime among young people around the world. In this post, I’ll give you eight reasons why you should start birdwatching, from health benefits to better travel. Let’s dig in with this Birdwatching …

How to detect spongy moths in your yard

Invasive species are a problem in natural areas just about anywhere on Earth. Some, like spongy moths (Lymantria dispar), can damage plants on your property and be a major nuisance. If you live in the Northeastern U.S., you might have problems with this plant. But how do you detect spongy moths? In this Outdoor Tips post, I’ll guide you through …

The 5 Best Field Guides for the Birds of North America

One of the most exciting things for a naturalist is running into new and unfamiliar species. This makes field guides an essential part of any nature-lovers go-bag for outdoor adventures. Field guides can help you sleuth out and identify new encounters using field marks and other cues. In this Birdwatching Basics post, I’ll review my top 5 guides to the …

Green non-profits to support on Giving Tuesday

Giving Tuesday is a chance to step outside of the consumerist mayhem of the holidays and give something back to the world. If you’re a nature lover, consider supporting an environmental NGO (non-governmental organization). Many NGO’s are doing fantastic and important work to protect the outdoors all over the world. In this post, I’ll share my top list of green …

12 Nature Podcasts you should be following

Whether you’re on the road or at the gym, podcasts are a great way to keep your brain active and entertained. Podcasts are a great way to learn about new topics while you’re on the fly. In this Outdoor Tips post, I’ll tell you about 12 nature podcasts that should absolutely be in your queue. Be sure to check out …

10 signs of wildlife to look for in nature

Although spending time in nature has its own benefits, many people go outside to watch wildlife. Activities like birdwatching or visiting a pollinator garden are almost sure to deliver sightings during spring and summer. However, depending on the timing of your visit, animals might not always be active. Knowing key signs of wildlife to look for in nature can help …

11 tips for visiting America’s National Parks

America’s National Parks have been a quintessential getaway for city-weary tourists since their establishment more than a century ago. From Yosemite and Yellowstone to Acadia and the Everglades, these parks include some of the most beautiful natural places on the continent. Getting the most of your National Parks visit requires some careful preparation and knowhow. Before you go, check out …

5 More Natural Gardening Tips

Natural gardening is an increasingly popular way to reduce environmental impact while creating beautiful outdoor spaces. These spaces can also support wildlife, which is another good thing for the planet. In addition, they provide opportunities to encounter and learn about nature right at home. This Outdoor Tips mini-series on Gardening for Wildlife will help you create back-yard ecosystems at home. …