Ever heard a weird animal fact you really weren’t so sure about? Biologist Ruins Everything features mythbusting posts that explore internet falsehoods and misconceptions about wildlife and the natural world.

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Is it ok to feed wild ducks?

It’s a gorgeous summer day, and you’ve got some stale bread to get rid of. Why not bring the kids to the park and feed the ducks? After all, what better way to get some nice time outside and get rid of some trash while you’re at it! However, you may recall hearing from one of your nature-nerd friends that …


Are robins really a sign of spring?

After a long, cold winter, many of us are eager for any sign that Spring is on its way. By late Winter, people will start lookin for the first robin of Spring, that harbinger of blooming flowers and sunshine As the belief goes, robins are gone in the harsher months and come back only when the weather is getting nice …


12 scary nature facts for spooky season

It’s always worth having cool nature facts at your disposal, whether it’s for a conversation starter or trivia night your local pub. In this Biologist Ruins Everything post, I’ve collected 12 spooky, horrible nature facts to shock and terrify your friends. While ghost stories around the campfire are great, nature’s imagination and ingenuity far exceeds our own. This is no …


Do squirrels land like superheroes?

In Fall 2020, some viral photos seemed to imply that our friendly neighborhood squirrels have some superhero flair. The pictures showed squirrels in the same super-cool pose that action movie stars use for dramatic landings. “The Superhero Landing” as wisecracking Marvel superhero Deadpool calls it, is iconic cool, and apparently our fuzzy tree-climbing neighbors are in on the swagger. But …

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How long do butterflies live?

One of the most pleasant parts of spring and summer is the arrival of butterflies. These colorful, lively, harmless insects tend to delight people and symbolize natural beauty. Like the sound of birdsong, butterflies put people at ease and give us a sense of peace in the outdoors. Many people who garden for wildlife are specifically interested in butterflies. Beyond …

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Do turkeys really sleep in trees?

Rick and Morty is a hilarious sci-fi show on Adult Swim that is no stranger to scientific references. A recent episode brought up an unexpected natural history fact that left fans wondering. The climax of “Rick & Morty’s Thanksploitation Spectacular” presented an interesting question about turkeys. Do turkeys sleep in trees? Here’s how it came up: Let’s set the scene. …

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Are daddy long-legs venomous?

It’s a surprisingly common “nature fact” that I hear from people of all ages. A spindly spider-like invertebrate is trundling along a log and someone says, “Did you know that daddy long-legs have the deadliest venom in the world, but their mouthparts can’t get through human skin?”Everywhere that I’ve heard it, it’s always about the same. These weird bugs would …